McGhee Blog

An Austin “Urban” Anthropologist Looks at Code NEXT

An impressive propaganda campaign has been orchestrated by pro-CodeNEXT boosters to confuse the public mind about the potential consequences these proposed changes to how Austin regulates land development will produce.  The time has come for some historically grounded critical thinking that can help cut through the misinformation, half-truths, distortions and lies that have been promulgated […]

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An Austin Uppity Negro Speaks

Certain members of Austin’s black bourgeoisie are perturbed.  They are perturbed because the recent political fight over the future of the Montopolis Negro School has exposed some of their ruling class privileges and has also unveiled some of their neoliberal elitism.  More to the point, the 2015-2017 fight to preserve the Montopolis Negro School–much of […]

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Austin Needs to Fix Its Historic Preservation Problem

Map of Austin’s Urban Freedmen’s Communities, Circa 1900 Austin last took a hard look at its historic preservation program in the early 2000’s, where a joint task force made up of Planning, Zoning and Platting, and Historic Landmark Commissioners made some recommendations to upgrade but not fundamentally alter the city’s program as originally established by […]

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Time for Some Real Talk about MUNY

The subject of this blog post, dear gentle reader, is a May 1, 2017 op-ed in the Austin American-Statesman by Volma Overton, Jr., son of the Austin civil rights icon: Commentary: Bills would accomplish what UT hasn’t — secure Muny’s value I have great regard for Volma Overton, Jr. But this opinion piece is not […]

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Some Thoughts on the Audit of Austin’s Historic Preservation Program

Thanks to my long-suffering and loving wife and children I was able to attend yesterday’s Austin City Council Audit and Finance Committee hearing.  The centerpiece of the meeting was the presentation of the city auditor’s most recent audit of the historic preservation department. Jo Clifton of the Austin Monitor also attended the meeting and filed […]

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The Montopolis Negro School

On Monday November 21st at 7:00 p.m. the City of Austin’s Historic Landmark Commission will meet to consider historically zoning the last remaining rural Negro school in Travis County, the Montopolis Negro School. A photograph of the school is in my 2014 book Austin’s Montopolis Neighborhood.  The school was founded in about 1891 at a […]

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